17 And No Breast Development. This is a very sensitive stage for a girl as once the breast starts developing girls may start feeling embarrassed or scared because of the pain and discomfort. Disturbances in these developmental stages along with the disturbance in hormones that contribute in breast formation can be alarming and needs to be consulted with the doctor.

The problem is not that i have small breasts it s that i essentially don t have breasts. Since changes in breasts is a very prominent bodily change girls around this age should know about various stages of breast development. I am completely flat chested girl 15 yrs old flat as a board no period yet 90 lbs.
Disturbances in these developmental stages along with the disturbance in hormones that contribute in breast formation can be alarming and needs to be consulted with the doctor.
The timing of physical changes during puberty in both boys and girls can vary quite a bit and still be normal. Small boobs run in the family but i am 5 10 and have the smallest of anyone i know other than kids who haven t reached puberty. This type of breast development problem can usually be corrected by surgery to create a rounder shape either using a breast uplift or an implant. There is no increased sensitivity or physical responses associated with sexual activity.