Avulsion Fracture Hip Adolescent. Prevalence location and sports distribution in cases collected. The mechanism of injury is either a sudden violent muscular contraction or an excessive amount of muscle stretch across an open epiphysis.

Ebraheim s educational animated video describes the condition of avulsion fractures around the hip in adolescence. However they may present in a patient as late as the mid 20s. Epidemiology pelvic and hip apophyseal injuries typically occur in the 14 to 25 year age range.
Acute avulsion fractures of the pelvis in adolescent competitive athletes.
It is commonly seen in adolescent athletes. An avulsion fracture is a separation of a small fragment of a bone cortex at the site of a ligament or tendon attachment. Functional disability following avulsion fracture of the ischialepiphysis. S y t 0 lovell and winter s.