Blisters On Groin Area Female. Skin rashes are a regular problem in both men and women. There are two types of a pimple like bumps on groin you cannot ignore.

The groin and inner thighs are more often moist and this result to accumulation and growth of micro organisms such as fungus or yeast and this gives rise to rashes and many other skin lesions. From time to time it is not uncommon for you to develop a bump or a lump around the groin area. Small painful sores on the other hand having small painful sores on the vagina is a sign of a developing sexually transmitted disease such as yeast and herpes.
Contagious bumps and cancerous.
Small painful sores on the other hand having small painful sores on the vagina is a sign of a developing sexually transmitted disease such as yeast and herpes. The following are the most common causes of swollen groin lymph nodes in women. However rashes on the genitals area in females and the groin area can be very problematic painful and embarrassing. In infants or newborns diaper or nappy rashes are very common.