Brain Nerves And Spinal Cord. The spinal cord consists of nerves that carry incoming and outgoing messages between the brain and the rest of the body. There are 31 pairs of them located at intervals along the length of the spinal cord see overview of spinal cord disorders.

Several cranial nerves and most spinal nerves are involved in both the somatic and autonomic parts of the peripheral nervous system. Like the brain the spinal cord is covered by the meninges and cushioned by cerebrospinal fluid. The spinal cord is made up of bundles of nerve fibers.
There are 31 pairs of them located at intervals along the length of the spinal cord see overview of spinal cord disorders.
In case you re wondering cranial nerves the ones in your head supply the sense organs and muscles in your head. The spinal cord consists of nerves that carry incoming and outgoing messages between the brain and the rest of the body. The brain communicates with most of the body through the spinal nerves. The nerve fibres run out of the brain and join together to make up the spinal cord.