Breast Pain With Normal Mammogram And Ultrasound. The study included 559 women who ranged in age from 27 to 97 median 46 years. The authors conducted a study to evaluate the diagnostic value of breast ultrasound following a normal mammogram ordered for all patients with breast pain during a calendar year.

Diagnostic mammograms on the other hand are used when a potential symptom of breast cancer presents itself. Both tests were negative but because my breasts are so dense lumpy my oncologist also performed a core biopsy on the left breast lump to make sure everything was ok. At times your doctor may order a diagnostic mammogram to further assess the findings of a screening mammogram.
The breast pain although unrelated to the breast cancer may be what prompted the mammogram and led to an earlier stage breast cancer diagnosis than would have happened if imaging was not pursued.
Inflammatory breast cancer often causes pain but it s rare accounting for 1 to 5 of breast cancer cases in the united states. Last year my gynocologist found a breast lump in my left breast. This is due to the fact that menopause is a transitional phase where women go through bodily changes that are predominantly hormonal in nature. Women age 50 and up know the importance of keeping up on medical testing.