Bump Under Eye Bag. After the surgery there is a lump on both my lower eye lid and it didn t seems to subside after 12 days. Gently exfoliating the area with a warm washcloth may get rid of dead skin cells and help bring trapped keratin to the surface.

Cyst might in some cases get cured by itself but on the other hand doctors may recommend the alternative of surgery when the cyst bump under eye socket doesn t get better with various treatments interferes with the vision is huge and unpleasant. How to treat a bump under eye socket. Bacteria or a blockage in the oil glands of the eyelid causes most of them.
Possible infection after eye bag removal.
Possible infection after eye bag removal. Eyelid bumps are very painful and may appear at the edge of the eyelid typically where the lash meets the lid. Under eye bags might just run in your family. There are many sebaceous glands in this area and they become visible when the eyelid skin thins with age or becomes dark due to circles under the eye.