Calcaneus Fracture Recovery Time. This injury is often caused by a fall from a height or car accident. The kind of care taken influences the extent of recovery and restoration of foot function.

You should not put weight on your foot for at least 6 8 weeks until there is sufficient healing of the fracture. The foot remains very stiff and some permanent loss of motion should be expected. Traumas or falls are the most common causes of calcaneus fractures.
Expect a lengthy recovery after calcaneus fracture surgery.
The period of non weightbearing usually lasts for 8 12 weeks. You should not put weight on your foot for at least 6 8 weeks until there is sufficient healing of the fracture. During the recovery time one needs to pay special attention not to strain the foot in any way. The recovery period of a calcaneus fracture is an important aspect in determining how well a patient will return to his or her pre injury level of activity.