Cuboid Syndrome Treatment Exercises. We will work with you to design a specific treatment program that will speed your recovery including exercises and treatments that you can do at home. The two phases of treatment include controlling the acute inflammation and correcting the biomechanics which led to the problem in the first place.

Many instances of cuboid syndrome will resolve spontaneously. Cuboid syndrome typically presents with pain down the outside of the foot which can also refer across the foot and to the ankle and toes. Fortunately cuboid syndrome often responds to treatment quickly.
There are usually two phases to cuboid syndrome pain treatment.
Pain free strengthening and movement exercises should be performed daily to prevent the foot from getting weak and stiff. To do this your doctor places medical tape on the bottom of your foot near the cuboid bone and wraps it around the top of your foot. The time it takes to heal the condition. Pain free strengthening and movement exercises should be performed daily to prevent the foot from getting weak and stiff.