Dark Spots On Face. This typically occurs when the skin in that area has been damaged. For people who develop dark spots on the face body and hands this all over product has a powerful dose of retinol 8 to treat these marks from head to toe.

Dark spots on the skin are typically caused by hyperpigmentation or the skin in that area forming excess melanin. In most cases you can remove dark spots by home remedies but sometimes you need to seek medical help. The spots are the same texture as the skin and are not painful.
This typically occurs when the skin in that area has been damaged.
In most cases you can remove dark spots by home remedies but sometimes you need to seek medical help. Small black spots on your face or neck could be caused by a skin condition called dermatosis papulose nigra. This forms spots or patches on your skin that are darker than the surrounding areas. When the liver can not effectively remove toxins from the cells it will build upon the skin and cause dark spots.