Does Pressing Breast Cause Pain. In women pain between breasts may be associated with normal physiological growth of the breast tissue. Breast pain may also start outside the breast in the chest wall muscles joints or heart for example and radiate to the breast.

This pain affects 50 to 70 percent of women and has a number of possible causes. Pressing on stomach causes pain. Symptoms of this aggressive disease often come on suddenly and progress rapidly.
It almost always proves to have a benign non cancerous cause.
Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome that can cause the nerve endings to fire. However a range of other breast conditions could also cause pain in the cleavage area including breast cysts and breast abscesses. Nonspecific breast pain also called mastalgia or mastodynia refers to tenderness or pain in the breast with no obvious cause. Breast pain can sometimes be a sign of breast cancer.