Dull Pain Under Left Breast. Sometimes when pain happens it is hard to tell exactly what hurts and where the pain is centered. While discomfort due to heart disease often manifests as a dull pain under the left breast that feels like uncomfortable pressure it can also be a burning or even stabbing pain depending on the condition.

Angina pain also causes a feeling of pressure or squeezing in your chest. Some non breast related causes of pain that feel like it is in your breast include. Cancer can cause the lymph nodes under the armpit to swell painfully.
Cancer can cause the lymph nodes under the armpit to swell painfully.
In rare cases pain under the left armpit that does not go away may be a sign of a cancerous growth including breast cancer. But because the pain can be intense and the symptoms worrisome it s. Given the vital organs located there pain under the left breast isn t uncommon. In this section we ll focus on causes of chest pain under the left breast associated with the heart.