Epidermoid Cyst On Head. Cysts in the bone may feel somewhat firmer and are usually less mobile. Epidermoid cysts mostly affect adolescents and appear on the face chest shoulders or genitals.

Typically patients are asymptomatic and the lesions present as firm skin colored nodules filled with keratinous or sebaceous materials. Background epidermoid cysts are the most common benign skin lesions that can occur anywhere on the body and frequently occur on the face scalp neck and trunk. An epidermoid cyst is a cyst where the cyst sac forms from cells that normally occur on the top layer of the skin the epidermis.
Cysts in the scalp are usually painless moveable rubbery masses that may slowly increase in size over time.
Less commonly the cysts may develop later in life acquired when an injury or surgery causes. They range in size from very small millimeters to inches across. An uncommon association exists with anorectal anomalies sacral anomalies and presacral mass and is known as the currarino triad 5. In a study of 103 patients with diagnosis of epidermoid and dermoid cyst of the head and neck 46 6 of these were orbital 23 3 buccal and submental 12 3 nasal 10 7 cervical and 2 9 labial.