Exfoliative Keratolysis Home Remedies. Though stress may not be the leading factor for ek but it can trigger or aggravate the condition to make it worse. Exfoliative keratolysis causes there is no known cause that causes this skin condition but factors believed to be responsible include genetic factors and allergy.

Here are a few natural home remedies to help with peeling skin. There are some home remedies to get rid of this problem. Although puva can be effective it can also have various side effects like itching burning eye damage and skin cancer.
Exfoliative keratolysis ek means exfoliation of the top layer of the skin the epidermis.
The point to remember is that after all this process the healthy skin appears within 2 3 weeks but exfoliative keratolysis reoccurs after some time. Exfoliative keratolysis typically affecting young active adults exfoliative keratolysis is a skin condition characterized by peeling skin on the palms of the hands and sometimes the soles of the. The treatment of exfoliative keratolysis can be done at home if it is at a very early stage. Treatment of exfoliative keratolysis.