Fifth Metatarsal Fracture Treatment And Tips. A jones fracture can be either a stress fracture a tiny hairline break that occurs over time or an acute sudden break. The common symptoms following this type of fracture include.
A jones fracture can be either a stress fracture a tiny hairline break that occurs over time or an acute sudden break. This study aims to evaluate the functional outcome of professional soccer players undergoing surgical treatment of fifth metatarsal base fractures. A complete clinical and radiological assessment is required to select the best treatment option.
The pain tenderness swelling you are experiencing in your foot will settle over a period of several weeks and can take up to several months.
Surgical treatment is indicated when the fracture is dis. 5th metatarsal base fracture you have a fractured bone on the outer part of your foot. 5th metatarsal fracture clinic patient information leaflet your injury a fracture is the same as a break in the bone. Jones fractures occur in a small area of the fifth metatarsal that receives less blood and is therefore more prone to difficulties in healing.