Foam Roller Hip Flexor. Below are some exercises that will help relieve your hip and back pain. Draw your right knee in towards your chest and extend your left leg out long.

Draw your right knee in towards your chest and extend your left leg out long. Lie down facing the foam roller with the roller located a little below your right hip. Staying on top of your hip flexor health with help from our foam rollers will assist us in achieving great balance and beautiful posture.
Drop your hips onto the foam roller leaning to the side you want to work on and fully extending that leg and keeping it raised slightly.
Hip flexors also contribute to our balance and posture. Fall forward and walk yourself out with your hands. Draw your right knee in towards your chest and extend your left leg out long. The hip flexors are a group of muscles located near the top of the thighs they are involved in lifting the knees and bending the waist meaning they can.