Forward Head Posture Corrector. There are several devices and braces available on the market that helps in correct forward head posture problem. Align your heels at shoulder width apart press your buttocks against the wall and be sure your shoulder blades are touching the wall this is more important than the tops of your shoulders touching the wall 1 x research source you may need to squeeze your shoulder blades together slightly to get them in a more natural position and align with the step 2 get into correct head posture by touching the back of your head to the wall.

Forward head posture is an alignment problem of your neck chest and shoulder area which is easily be corrected by using several braces devices or by the help of physician and chiropractors. Pull your shoulders back so that your shoulder blades touch the wall. Obbomed mb 3050 upper back posture corrector clavicle shoulders support brace thoracic kyphosis hunchback slumped shoulders forward head neck alignment cream 8 5 x 9 5.
It takes some practice but it has been shown to improve posture and has the ability in some cases to immediately affect neck pain and related headaches.
Forward head posture is where the position of the head is in front of the mid line of the torso. There are several devices and braces available on the market that helps in correct forward head posture problem. Step 1 stand with your back flush against a wall. Pull your shoulders back so that your shoulder blades touch the wall.