Ganglion Cyst Foot Causes. Ganglion cyst foot can occur when there is abnormality in the joint of the tendon sheath which allows the surrounding tissue to emerge outside causing inflammation. One of the most common causes of a ganglion foot cyst is an injury to the foot such as falling and landing on it from an extended height or even just stumbling and landing awkwardly.

The condition can also be due to repeated movement over a long period of time like constant standing or walking. The most prevalent theory involves trauma to the affected area which may result from a single direct incident or from chronic overuse. One of the most common causes of a ganglion foot cyst is an injury to the foot such as falling and landing on it from an extended height or even just stumbling and landing awkwardly.
The exact cause of ganglion cysts is still unknown.
The cause of ganglion cysts is not known. One of the most common causes of a ganglion foot cyst is an injury to the foot such as falling and landing on it from an extended height or even just stumbling and landing awkwardly. Ganglion cysts and synovial cysts share several similarities. The causes of ganglion cysts still remain unknown.