Groin Vs Hip Flexor Strain. Grade iii groin strain. As a result the muscles and tendons become inflamed sore and painful.

The injury often happens at the junction where the muscle and tendon meet musculotendinous junction. Muscle strains it band groin hip flexor a muscle strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon the tissue that connects a muscle to a bone and can range from a minor stretch injury to a partial or complete tear of the muscle fibers or tendon. 5 months post op from hip arthoscopy as well as microfracture and bone shave.
Still getting a lot of hip flexor as well as groin pain when deep squatting or leg pressing any amount of weight.
Tearing of the hip flexor muscle iliopsoas figure 1 typically following a kick on the run or rapid acceleration movement. Associated with localised pain at the front of the hip difficulty lifting the thigh and often pain on performing a hip flexor stretch figure 3. Unlike other common strains this area doesn t follow my typical theory on strains being a symptom of reciprocal inhibition issues between two opposing muscle groups. As a result the muscles and tendons become inflamed sore and painful.