High Cholesterol Bumps Under Eyes. While there are few signs of high cholesterol some people with the condition may develop small skin coloured lumps around the corners of the eyelids known as xanthelasma. These lesions are called xanthelasma and appear as yellow raised bumps.

Blocking of oil glands that are found in abundance on the eyelids to provide adequate lubrication can also be the cause. White spots under your eyes could also be pimples. Cholesterol deposits around the eyes are a sign of high cholesterol.
Cholesterol spots or deposits that you can notice around your eyes are bumps of fat that develop underneath your skin usually in the inner canthus of the upper eyelid.
Cholesterol deposits around the eyes are a sign of high cholesterol. The occurrence of cholesterol deposits around your eyes might be related to lipid levels liver function and symptoms of chronic diseases. White bumps under eyes cholesterol. Cholesterol deposits are also known as xanthelasma and they are yellowish small pimples around eyes.