Hip Flexor Exercises Reddit. Hip flexors are important muscles that enable movement of the legs. Take the free 30 second self test.

The easy version is a side plank on your elbow and knee for greater stability lifting the top leg for some number of reps. Hip adductor stretch like yoga child pose but trying to do splits to stretch the inside of my thigh then pigeon pose static mountain climber start in pushup position bring one foot up to that sides hand so your elbow is on the inside of your knee squeeze your ass and sink your hips down fire hydrants static psoa stretch on. Hip flexor stretching exercises quick background m 27 5 11 160 ish with swimming volleyball background.
Take the free 30 second self test.
Sore hip flexors are common in sportspersons as well as those involved in long hours of sitting. Have any comments questions tips feedback. A fun side hip strengthening exercise if you re like me and need the challenge of a skills progression is a side plank with leg lift. Tight hip flexors can cause serious discomfort.