How Bad Can Peripheral Neuropathy Get. If you are wondering how bad peripheral neuropathy can get the real answer is that it can get very bad indeed. As the blood sugar level in the body increases the pain level increases too.

Here s the internet s 1 simple and safe treatment program for ending chronic peripheral neuropathy and diabetic nerve pain. Yes you can have symptoms or situations from peripheral neuropathy that can be life threatening. Neuropathy may result in ulcers infections joint damage and related complications that my necessitate amputation.
Neuropathy may result in ulcers infections joint damage and related complications that my necessitate amputation.
But at times you tend to feel a stabbing intense pain without any reason. Peripheral neuropathy can result from traumatic injuries infections metabolic problems inherited causes and exposure to toxins. How bad can peripheral neuropathy get. This pain is generally so severe and intense.