How To Treat Peeling Feet. Skin peeling on the bottom of the feet can most commonly be caused by a fungal infection called athlete s foot sunburn dermatitis or dry skin. Over the counter medications are often effective in treating mild cases of peeling at the bottom of your feet.

Read below for more information on causes and how to treat peeling feet. If your feet are cracking and peeling you may be looking for a natural way to treat both the condition and the discomfort that comes with it. Apply a moisturizing cream or petroleum jelly to help add and lock in moisture and.
Most of the peeling feet remedies are easily put together.
Read below for more information on causes and how to treat peeling feet. If your feet are peeling there are many possible causes. Peeling this skin off manually may risk bleeding and infection so if you are bothered by peeling skin it s best to have an effective and safe management strategy. Moisturize your feet often.