Hydrocortisone Cream For Acne. Hydrocortisone cream which is available in 0 5 1 0 and 2 5 concentrations can be an effective over the counter acne and acne scar treatment for many people. While both cortisone and hydrocortisone belong to the same family of corticosteroids cortisone has to be converted to hydrocortisone in the liver and won t work topically hence the injection part.

Reduce the amount of hydrocortisone you are using if you notice an increase in acne. This makes it a good solve in a pinch for spots that appear overnight or before a special occasion. Sometimes topical hydrocortisone is also formulated with antibiotics.
Because inflammation is a key aspect of cystic.
While both cortisone and hydrocortisone belong to the same family of corticosteroids cortisone has to be converted to hydrocortisone in the liver and won t work topically hence the injection part. Because inflammation is a key aspect of cystic. Hydrocortisone creams and lotions are not intended to be a treatment for acne. Medlineplus states that hydrocortisone cream can actually cause or worsen acne in some people 2 if you do not notice an improvement in your acne lesions or a reduction in skin redness after seven days discontinue using the hydrocortisone cream and consult your doctor.