Knee Hyperextension Exercises Pdf. A hyperextended knee is a common sporting injury where the knee bends backwards beyond its normal position. Sit on chair or bed.

A hyperextended knee can cause bruising pain and swelling. Talk to your doctor or physical therapist about which exercises will best help you meet your rehabilitation goals. This exercise will discourage you from constantly standing in hyperextension by training your mind and muscles to be aware of your knee position.
Doing hyperextended knee exercises will help strengthen the muscles that support your knee making it easier to bear weight and get you back to moving normally.
You need to take plenty of rest keep your leg elevated and apply cold packs for quick recovery. Sit on couch or bed with one leg out straight. Allow yourself to relax into your what feels like your normal standing position with your knees hyperextended but not locked. 5 a detailed description of normal human gait mechanics is beyond the scope of this chapter and has been presented by many authors 3 4 21 24 25 the loss of the normal knee flexion and extension patterns throughout the stance phase noted in patients with hyperextension gait abnormalities has important functional implications.