Little Red Bumps Under Eyes. Let s look at the causes of little reddened bumps under eyes. Symptoms of styes include.

Acne dermatitis keratosis pilaris styes and rosacea 2 3 if you have oily skin the bumps may be pimples caused by acne but if your skin is dry and the bumps look like very small pimples you may have a skin condition called keratosis pilaris 3 itchy under eye bumps may indicate you have contact dermatitis caused. They form at the base of your eyelashes or underneath the eyelid. Other symptoms include red watery eyes a gritty scratchy sensation in the eye and sensitivity to light.
They can appear anywhere but tend to develop around or under the eyes.
Milia are small bumps made up of keratin trapped under the skin. Symptoms of styes include. Other symptoms include red watery eyes a gritty scratchy sensation in the eye and sensitivity to light. They can become quite painful especially as they swell.