Liver Cancer Stages Symptoms. This can happen during stage 3c or stage 4a liver cancer. Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency also cause liver disease in some people with the condition that include liver cancer cirrhosis of the liver an abnormally large liver hepatomegaly liver failure and hepatitis.

Liver cancer is generally diagnosed in later or final stages. Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency also cause liver disease in some people with the condition that include liver cancer cirrhosis of the liver an abnormally large liver hepatomegaly liver failure and hepatitis. End stage liver cancer also leads to abdominal pain.
If surgery is done the pathologic stage also called the surgical stage is determined by examining tissue removed during an operation.
Although it can occur at any stage of liver failure people with cirrhosis are at an increased risk for developing liver cancer. In the advanced stage symptoms of liver cancer may include fever nausea vomiting fatigue general weakness mental confusion loss of sex drive pain in the left side of the abdomen because of. Some of the most common symptoms of liver cancer are. End stage liver cancer also leads to abdominal pain.