Middle Back Pain Left Side. Middle back pain occurs below the neck and above the bottom of the rib cage in an area called the thoracic spine. Anatomy of thoracic back and left side rib pain.
Lower back pain on your left side above the buttocks has several potential causes. It s important to know when self care or home remedies can treat. This healthhearty write up provides information on the causes of middle back pain on the left side.
Knowing the anatomy of the thoracic back can help to locate the source of back rib pain on your left side.
Knowing the anatomy of the thoracic back can help to locate the source of back rib pain on your left side. Middle back pain refers to pain or discomfort in the thoracic spine the region of the back between the rib cage and the base of the neck. Aging can be one of the biggest and most common reasons of pain in the middle left portions of the body. What is middle back pain.