Muscle Strain Recovery Time. Your doctor will assess your strain on a scale of 1 to 3 1 being a mild strain 2 to 3 weeks recovery time 2 being damaged muscle fibers 2 to 3 months recovery time and 3 being a complete muscle rupture that may require surgery. The duration of recovery after a muscle strain will depend on the severity of the injury.

After surgery to repair a grade iii strain most people regain normal muscle function after several months of rehabilitation. Complete recovery is expected within weeks. Complete recovery is expected within weeks.
Even if there is a muscle tear these injuries usually don t take longer than eight weeks to heal.
This is the most minor of muscle strains affecting only a minimal percentage of the muscle fibers of the affected muscle. Recovery depends on the location and severity of your muscle strain. After surgery to repair a grade iii strain most people regain normal muscle function after several months of rehabilitation. Rest the strained muscle.