My Girlfriend Has Hpv Do I Have It. The strain that is most dangerous is the one that men carry and can give women or of course women could give eachother that can lead to cervical cancer. You may suspect that your girlfriend is cheating on you.

If a partner has hpv it does not necessarily mean. The strain that is most dangerous is the one that men carry and can give women or of course women could give eachother that can lead to cervical cancer. Finding out your girlfriend has hpv can be really scary and shocking.
Here are seven do s and don ts for dating someone who has hpv though many of these tips would apply to dating someone with any sti.
Now wether your gf has warts or not that s the question. Many people with hpv never have symptoms leaving you to wonder if you may have already been infected. I read that even using protection it s highly possible that she ll pass it on to me. You may suspect that your girlfriend is cheating on you.