Pain After Jones Fracture Surgery. Pain and swelling in the right foot 16 weeks after a jones fracture. Even after a period of immobilization there still may be a pain in your foot and ankle after a jones fracture.

As you use your foot more and start putting more and more weight on it some of the muscles and joints in the foot may become sore. Because i managed to break both at one time i was non weight bearing on both for the first few weeks following the surgeries. Received bad medical advice after eight weeks of a camboot crutches and non weight bearing i decided to get a second opinion.
As you use your foot more and start putting more and more weight on it some of the muscles and joints in the foot may become sore.
Titanium screw broke after surgery of jones fracture. I am out of the right boot jones fracture foot after 2 months but it is still very painful. Yet surgery is not always necessary. Jones fracture healing time can be slower without surgery.