Pain On Top Of Foot After Bunion Surgery. This type of pain is called transfer metatarsalgia. Many times this pain happens after bunion surgery because the bone for the great toe was shortened a little too much during the correction of the bunion.
This helps to reduce the swelling and pain. This basically means that the pain was simply moved from the bunion to the area under the ball of the foot. Scooter would be more dangerous than crutches saving weightbearing.
This basically means that the pain was simply moved from the bunion to the area under the ball of the foot.
Cures for ball of foot pain after bunion surgery the most common complication we see for patients who have had bunion surgery either recently or years past is pain under the 2nd metatarsal head. Scooter would be more dangerous than crutches saving weightbearing. Sometimes there is a callus present here and sometimes not. Nonunion occurs when the bones do not heal after an osteotomy and realignment.