Pain Under Ribs And Shoulder Blades. Pain between the shoulder blades is common. The right upper quadrant of the abdomen includes the pancreas right kidney gallbladder liver and intestines.

As i ve already mentioned there is one particular muscle that can cause pain under your shoulder blade. In some cases pain between the shoulder blades can be caused by nerve entrapment such as thoracic outlet syndrome and myofascial pain syndrome. Read below for more information on causes and how to relieve pain in the shoulder blade.
Pain under shoulder blade and back common pain points under shoulder blades.
Thoracic outlet syndrome occurs when nerves or blood vessels in the space between the first rib and collar bone are compressed. Pain in left shoulder blade fatty stool pain under left rib cage that goes around to back and pain in back of thighs and have period. 37 years experience internal medicine. It lies below your shoulder blade and helps your diaphragm when you inhale by raising your ribs and expanding your rib cage.