Pinpoint Red Dots On Skin Treatment. Eczema also known as atopic dermatitis is a skin condition that causes red itchy and dry skin as a result of inflammation. Rashes can occur due to infections of the skin disseminated infections that have spread throughout the body allergic reactions or irritations of the skin.

Acne is an extremely common skin condition that can range from mild to severe. Red spots on the skin are a common medical complaint. Eczema also known as atopic dermatitis is a skin condition that causes red itchy and dry skin as a result of inflammation.
Acne is an extremely common skin condition that can range from mild to severe.
The dots or spots are referred to as a rash when they occur in an outbreak. When a red bump or rash is flat it is medically known as a macule. Rashes can occur due to infections of the skin disseminated infections that have spread throughout the body allergic reactions or irritations of the skin. Acne is an extremely common skin condition that can range from mild to severe.