Plantar Fasciitis Exercises Pdf Aaos. Introduction 1 aaos does not endorse any treatments procedures products or physicians referenced herein. Sit with involved leg crossed over uninvolved leg.

Begin standing with both feet on a step with one heel resting off the edge with just your toes on the step. Plantar fascia stretch on step. Many people with plantar fasciitis have heel spurs but heel spurs are not the cause of plantar fasciitis pain.
Your doctor may take an x ray to see the bony protrusion which can vary in size.
To help my patients and myself i put together a list of my favorite plantar fasciitis stretches and exercises. Begin standing with both feet on a step with one heel resting off the edge with just your toes on the step. You may need to do special exercises take medication to reduce swelling and wear a heel pad in your shoe. Plantar fasciitis the injury shin curls repeat stretching repeat 3 times day times times day inc stretches.