Plantar Wart Vs Corn. People often confuse plantar warts and corns because they look so similar and also appear in the same areas of the feet. You may be unsure if you have developed a corn or a plantar wart on your foot instead of a callus.

Corns and plantar warts occur on different parts of the foot. A key difference though is that warts appear grainy too and have black dots or pinpoints. However they are two different entities.
Some warts can look like a corn in that they re small flesh colored and rough to the touch.
A key difference though is that warts appear grainy too and have black dots or pinpoints. Surgical removal are for more severe conditions. In contrast plantar warts are found on the bottom or plantar surface of the foot usually on the heel or ball under the big toe according to natural healing oils. A corn is not an infection they are not contagious.