Posterior Tibial Tendon Pain. Most commonly patients with posterior tibial tendonitis complain of pain on the inner of the foot and ankle and occasionally have problems associated with an unsteady gait. Tibialis posterior tendinopathy is a degenerative painful injury to the tendon of the tibialis posterior.

Here we explain the symptoms causes and treatment of tibialis posterior tendonitis. Most commonly patients with posterior tibial tendonitis complain of pain on the inner of the foot and ankle and occasionally have problems associated with an unsteady gait. Posterior tibial syndrome is slightly different and is a dysfunction of the muscle resulting in a fallen arch or flat feet.
Most commonly patients with posterior tibial tendonitis complain of pain on the inner of the foot and ankle and occasionally have problems associated with an unsteady gait.
Tibialis posterior tendonitis tendinopathy tibialis posterior tendonitis tendinopathy is an overuse injury causing pain on the inside of the ankle. Pain is felt on the inside of the ankle which may radiate under the arch of the foot. This pain is usually caused by muscle tensions and trigger points. What most people do not know is that they can relieve these pains with a self massage.