Posterior Tibial Tendonitis How Long To Heal. Small partial posterior tib tendon tears can heal. The posterior tibial tendon is no exception to this as it is used frequently.

Most people make a good recovery after surgery for posterior tibial tendon dysfunction and are walking normally within 3 months of their operation. All of the scientific studies in the literature use custom made orthotics to provide extra arch support which reduces the demands on the posterior tibial tendon. Most commonly patients with posterior tibial tendonitis complain of pain on the inner of the foot and ankle and occasionally have problems associated with an unsteady gait.
It can temporarily help with the pain but again those tendons take a long time to heal.
There are ways to prevent injury but if it is too late there is still a myriad of treatment options. In one study participants were asked to wear shoes and orthotics for at least 90 of their waking hours for the study s six. Recovering from tendonitis can take a matter of days up to months depending on the severity of the injury and subsequent treatment. The posterior tibial tendon is no exception to this as it is used frequently.