Posterior Tibial Tendonitis Running. The posterior tibial tendon runs along the inside part of your ankle and attaches to a bone in your foot known as the navicular. The initial discomfort is usually felt either just above or just below the medial malleolus or inside ankle bone sometimes extending down into the arch of the foot.

Running is an amazing experience that makes you feel alive and gives you that adrenaline rush. In 18 years of running i certainly have made the rounds of all the different types of tendonitis. Fall of 2017 i can now add to the list posterior tibialis tendonitis.
Posterior tibial tendonitis is defined as inflammation of the posterior tibial muscle tendon.
So you will be better with kayano 27 which is an ideal stability running shoe. Spring of 2008 peroneal tendonitis. Posterior tibial tendonitis is a painful condition affecting the inner side of the foot and ankle. As a runner though there are some challenges that come along with running posterior tibial tendonitis running.