Red Bumps Under Eyes Allergies. Conditions that may cause small red bumps under the eyes include. Dermatitis keratosis pilaris styes and rosacea.

Puffy red eyes are caused by any number of issues ranging from too little sleep to too much crying. You may feel a slight burn and itch as well. To add on this if you have an oily skin you are at risk of red bumps in form of acne.
Acne dermatitis keratosis pilaris styes and rosacea 2 3 if you have oily skin the bumps may be pimples caused by acne but if your skin is dry and the bumps look like very small pimples you may have a skin condition called keratosis pilaris 3 itchy under eye bumps may indicate you have contact dermatitis caused.
Eye allergies and eye infections are treated differently and what works for one won t always help with the other. Allergies can cause fluid to build up in your sinuses and around your eyes. This can also affect your nose and eyes. Rosacea is a condition in which the skin on your face frequently turns red swells itches or breaks out in small bumps.