Rotator Cuff Injury Elderly. Elderly people are prone to rotator cuff problems and have a harder time recovering because their shoulders have a less robust blood supply. This causes it to become inflamed.

Athletes are also prone to rotator cuff tears because of the nature of their profession. Residents with a full thickness rotator cuff tear of which at least 3 million will be symptomatic over time. Typically a rotator cuff tear is a result from either an injury or constant strenuous activity that results to too much stress on that part of the body.
A home care assistant can also assist in simple tasks such as slipping an arm into a sleeve while dressing applying ice and heat in the affected area giving pain medications and providing assistance in lifting and reaching for objects.
Typically a rotator cuff tear is a result from either an injury or constant strenuous activity that results to too much stress on that part of the body. Due to an aging population and the increasing prevalence of rotator cuff tears with age the total number of patients with shoulder dysfunction is expected to rise even more in the future. Rotator cuff dysfunction is a common musculoskeletal disorder in elderly patients and is often underdiagnosed and undertreated. Residents with a full thickness rotator cuff tear of which at least 3 million will be symptomatic over time.