Rotator Cuff Tear Physical Therapy Protocol. The physician will make specific changes to the program as appropriate for an individual patient. A time zero analysis of a prospective patient cohort enrolled in a structured physical therapy program.

The intent of this protocol is to provide the patient clinician and physical therapist with a guideline of the postoperative rehabilitation course of a patient that has undergone an arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. Full tears are completely through the tendon s similar to a button hole on a shirt creating a gap hole in the cuff. A time zero analysis of a prospective patient cohort enrolled in a structured physical therapy program.
This protocol provides you with general guidelines for the conservative rehabilitation of the patient with a rotator cuff tear rct.
Specific variations may be appropriate for each patient and may be specified by the physician. Prospective randomized study of arthroscopic rotator cuff repair using an early versus delayed postoperative physical therapy protocol. Rotator cuff tears can also occur in connective with irritation or injuries of the biceps muscle at the shoulder. Full tears are completely through the tendon s similar to a button hole on a shirt creating a gap hole in the cuff.