Scapular Winging Internal Rotation. Is a winged scapula a bad thing. If you want to do muscle testing.

An update abstract scapular winging is a rare disorder often caused by neuromuscular. The basic stuff to check are external rotation and internal rotation as well as both rotations through specific positions such as with the arm abducted adducted or wherever your client needs to have rotational control. A winged scapula scapula alata is a skeletal medical condition in which the shoulder blade protrudes from a person s back in an abnormal position.
Is a winged scapula a bad thing.
The serratus anterior is the primary muscle that anchors the scapula flat onto the rib cage. It attaches onto the under surface of the shoulder blade and to the side of the rib cage. The basic stuff to check are external rotation and internal rotation as well as both rotations through specific positions such as with the arm abducted adducted or wherever your client needs to have rotational control. A winged scapula scapula alata is a skeletal medical condition in which the shoulder blade protrudes from a person s back in an abnormal position.