Snapping Scapula Syndrome Massage Therapy. Patients typically describe the pain they experience as a constant dull aching pain around the shoulder blade and rib. The typical physical therapy approach to snapping scapula syndrome is to strengthen the serratus anterior muscle and or put the patient through a scapular stabilization exercise program.

Snapping scapula syndrome is a snapping grinding or popping sensation or sound with scapulothoracic movement. The sound is made by some soft tissue rubbing between the scapula and the thoracic wall. It is suspended over the ribs between the spine and the arm by only two ligaments.
Snapping scapula syndrome is a snapping grinding or popping sensation or sound with scapulothoracic movement.
The scapulothoracic joint is located where the shoulder blade also called the scapula glides along the chest wall the thorax. It is suspended over the ribs between the spine and the arm by only two ligaments. The sound is made by some soft tissue rubbing between the scapula and the thoracic wall. Patients with snapping scapula syndrome often have tight muscles in the chest neck and shoulder.