Snapping Scapula Syndrome Physiopedia. Snapping scapula syndrome also known as scapulocostal syndrome or scapulothoracic syndrome is described by a grating grinding popping or snapping sensation of the scapula onto the back side of the ribs or thoracic area of the spine hauser disruption of the normal scapulothoracic mechanics causes this problem. The pain tends to get worse with arm movements particularly when reaching above your head or when doing press ups.

Scapulothoracic bursitis and snapping scapula syndrome are rare diagnoses that contribute to considerable morbidity in some patients. Bagg and forrest found a ratio of 4 4 1 during early phase and 1 7 1 within 80 to 140 of shoulder elevation 91 4 93. Even though the syndrome is rarely seen but the symptoms may help the diagnosis to be faster and smoother.
Even though the syndrome is rarely seen but the symptoms may help the diagnosis to be faster and smoother.
Snapping scapula syndrome also known as scapulocostal syndrome or scapulothoracic syndrome is described by a grating grinding popping or snapping sensation of the scapula onto the back side of the ribs or thoracic area of the spine hauser disruption of the normal scapulothoracic mechanics causes this problem. The most prominent feature of snapping scapula syndrome is a snapping grating grinding noise or sensation at the shoulder blade during arm movements pain. 1 in the first 30 of elevation to 0 78. The sound is made by some soft tissue rubbing between the scapula and the thoracic wall.