Stabbing Pain Under Right Shoulder Blade. Overuse can lead to muscle strains which can cause pain in the upper to mid back such as between your shoulder blade and spine. Doctors refer to this discomfort as interscapular pain.

Arthritic pain is generally treated with otc non steroidal medications such as tylenol ibuprofen or naproxen. This is a result of an unstable shoulder blade that inflamed the bursa between the shoulder blade scapula and the thoracic spine. Pain in right shoulder blade.
Tissues break down and wear out over time leading to pain and loss of function.
It can be relieved my taking medication that relaxes the muscles. Tissues break down and wear out over time leading to pain and loss of function. The most common cause of shoulder blade pain are muscle strains from intense workouts heavy lifting or even sleeping in an uncomfortable position. People with shoulder blade pain typically have aching dull sore or shooting pain in the upper.