Surgical Management Of Pericarditis. Surgical management of staphylococcal pericarditis. These included left anterior thoracotomy left anterolateral thoracotomy median sternotomy and the transdiaphragmatic approach.

A variety of procedures was used to drain the pericardium at open operation. Surgical procedures of pericardial disease are best conducted under general anesthesia with or without regional anesthesia procedures. The basis for this report is six cases of varying etiology and severity in.
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While some authors1 3 recommend rather early vigorous surgical therapy in certain types of the disease there are others4 5 who believe first in exhausting the available medical armamentarium. Surgical procedures of pericardial disease are best conducted under general anesthesia with or without regional anesthesia procedures. Regarding clinical management and therapy of acute pericarditis it is not mandatory to search for the aetiology in all patients especially in countries with a low prevalence of tuberculosis tb because of the relatively benign course associated with the common. To review the surgical management of constructive pericarditis and the post operative challenges.