Swollen Lymph Nodes Treatment. It is common to have one or the other lymph node in the body swelling up as a defense against foreign bodies. How to ease pain from swollen lymph nodes you may feel a bit sore and tender.

It is common to have one or the other lymph node in the body swelling up as a defense against foreign bodies. Try using a warm compress like a microwavable rice sock or similar heating pad and over the counter pain medications like ibuprofen advil motrin and acetaminophen tylenol. To potentially treat swollen lymph nodes combine apple cider vinegar with filtered water soak a cloth with the mixture and place it on your swollen lymph nodes on your neck.
You also try honey garlic turmeric and acv.
The most common treatment for swollen lymph nodes caused by a bacterial infection is antibiotics. You also try honey garlic turmeric and acv. After five minutes rinse the affected area and let it dry. Swollen lymph nodes caused by a virus usually return to normal after the viral infection resolves.