Tennis Shoulder Pain Treatment. Treatment is aimed at relieving pain and preserving range of motion of the shoulder. The following treatment options are commonly recommended by rothman orthopaedic institute to repair the damage from tennis shoulder injuries.

Treatment will depend on the cause and severity of the shoulder pain. If you do experience initial signs of shoulder pain when playing tennis you may wish to start performing exercises to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles. Overuse conditions that can cause shoulder and arm pain include tendinitis bursitis tennis elbow or rotator cuff tears.
The first treatment for many common conditions that cause shoulder pain is to rest the joint and allow the acute inflammation to subside.
Many professional tennis players incorporate rotator cuff training into their toning exercises. Options include anti inflammatory medications corticosteroid injections and physical therapy. It is easy to use and stays cold for 6 8 hours. The following treatment options are commonly recommended by rothman orthopaedic institute to repair the damage from tennis shoulder injuries.