Text Neck Treatment Exercises. 6 chiropractor approved exercises to fight text neck medically reviewed by daniel bubnis m s nasm cpt nase level ii css written by gabrielle kassel updated on may 29 2020 exercises. Symptoms treatment and exercises in all probability you re reading this hunched over your laptop or your iphone.

When keeping your head in this position excessive amounts of tension are created in the deep muscles of your neck and across the shoulders causing both acute and chronic neck pain. 4 exercises to combat text neck looking down at our phones all day can be a literal pain in the neck. Doctor jo shows you some simple neck stretches exerci.
This repetitive stress injury is on the rise especially among teens.
You will lift your spine into a bridge pose which will roll the balls back and forth. Symptoms include pain muscle tightness and spasms in the neck and upper back as well as headache and decreased ability to move your head. 4 exercises to combat text neck looking down at our phones all day can be a literal pain in the neck. Looking down at your phone puts pressure on the front and back of the neck and can increase.