Tight Hip Flexors Foam Roller. Draw your right knee in towards your chest and extend your left leg out long. Foam roller hip flexors exercises may not be something you have previously thought about but suffering from tight or sore hip flexors could spell disaster for your workouts and training.

Struhl s favorite exercise using a foam roller for hip pain hip flexor roll. Download our official fitness app. Press into your feet to lift your hips and slide the foam roller underneath your sacrum.
Press into your feet to lift your hips and slide the foam roller underneath your sacrum.
Lie down facing the foam roller with the roller located a little below your right hip. To fully grasp why these seemingly easy and natural actions can cause knee pain you first have to appreciate the way the regions of the body should move when engaging in these activities. What it means to a person is entirely different to another. To prevent this the best thing to do is to break up those long periods of sitting with standing and stretching in between.